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Heirloom Piano Co. has been in business for just over 10 years. We specialize in open-grain wood finishes. If you have an heirloom piano that you have inherited or just like the look of an old piano, we can certainly be of help. Check out our website for more details. We also provide tuning, moving, repair and rebuilding services. Please call us at 801-949-1618 with any piano related questions. I consider it an honor to help and work in the music industry. Thank you for your time!

Saturday, November 1, 2008



Here is our first weekly special on a piano for sale. This is a Baldwin Hamilton studio. I have worked on several of these pianos. They are a joy to have. They are sturdy and durable and have a great tone and touch. This one is no exception. This particular model came out of a school and so it saw its share of nicks and scratches. One advantage to school pianos is that they always get regular maintenance. This Baldwin was no exception.

Heirloom Piano Co. took it apart and touched up the finish including a new coat of lacquer for the entire piano. We then replaced the casters and matched a new bench to it. The piano also got cleaned and lightly regulated.

The greatest part of purchasing a piano from us is that each pre-owned instrument comes with a 90 day guarantee that each key will play, the pedals will work, and everything should work as it should. If something doesn't work, we fix whatever went wrong for no charge. Please call, email, or comment if you are interested in this piano or require more details.

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